Us Whites Feed on Lie and Chaos

3 Facts That Totally Implode Atheists' Arguments Against Faith, Church, and God

Atheist activists claim "nothing fails like prayer" and often attempt to diminish the importance of faith and God to individuals and culture — but here are three facts (and surveys) that totally implode their proclamations. Listen and read more:


March 17, 2022

Mandisa on Pain, Doubt, and Journeying Through the Shadows to Find God's Love Amid Chaos

Mandisa is known for her music — but in this interview she gets vulnerable, shares her struggles, reveals her triumphs, and discusses finding God in the fog of life's chaos.  She also chats about her latest book, "Out of the Dark: My Journey Through the Shadows to Find God's Joy," which tells her own journey of doubt and struggle amid pain. Listen to this powerful episode of "Edifi!"


March 16, 2022

Story Behind the Shocking Christian Testimony on Harvard Law School's Website Will Inspire You

Marianna Marques, a student at Harvard Law School, recently published a stunning blog post on the university's website about the amazing journey through which God led her. Prospective students at Harvard Law School were recently treated to something one doesn't often encounter on an ivy league website: a truly powerful testimony filled with faith, hope, and the redeeming power of Jesus. And Marianna's powerful story and brave decision to share her faith so openly will inspire you.


February 09, 2022

The Incredible Story of a Hollywood Singer Who Is Quietly Praying With and Ministering to Members of Congress

Steve Amerson is known as the vocalist behind some of the most powerful music in movies like "Star Wars: Rogue One," "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Patriot," among many others. But he's also a voice of hope for Democrats and Republicans in Congress — a quiet source of peace and prayer and a minister to leaders on both sides of the aisle. Amerson, author of the new book, "Tales Of A Troubadour," is a faithful Christian who run an intriguing ministry to some of the most powerful men and women in America — and the world. Here is Amerson's incredible story.


January 28, 2022

Famed Author Mitch Albom Spends Most of His Time...Saving and Helping Orphans. Hear His Incredible Story

Bestselling author Mitch Albom is known for hit books like "Tuesdays with Morrie," "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," and his latest, "The Stranger in the Lifeboat," but there's a major component of his life many in the public might not know: he spends most of his time selflessly operating an orphanage in Haiti. Listen to Albom explain his incredible story. And read the full account:


January 17, 2022

Biblical Prophecy and What People Most Get Wrong: Amir Tsarfati on Eschatology, His New Book and Why Israel Matters

Amir Tsarfati is an author, Israeli military veteran, and the former deputy governor of Jericho, who is on a captivating mission to "explain Israel and its role in God's plan." Tsarfati, whose new novel is titled "Operation Joktan," runs an organization called Behold Israel that provides news and information about Israel as it pertains to biblical history and prophecy. In this episode, Tsarfati explains what people tend to get most wrong about biblical prophecy, why Israel matters and much more.


January 06, 2022

'A Savior Has Been Born': A Christmas Reading From Luke 2

With Christmas upon us, please hear a reading from Luke 2. "A savior is born." This powerful and transformational message continues to inspire humans 2,000 years after His entrance. This version is from the NIV.


December 23, 2021

The Key Moment in 'Christmas With The Chosen' That Delivers an Essential, Soul-Shaking Truth About Jesus

"The Chosen" creator Dallas Jenkins reveals the key moment in his theatrical Christmas special that delivers a powerful message we all must heed. "There's such a beautiful contrast between the raw humanity of what Jesus arrived in and how he really came in as one of us as, a crying baby to a scared teenager in the midst of a dirty pen where there were animals," Jenkins said. He then revealed one of the surprising moments that truly drives home the humble nature of Christ's arrival — the inclusion of animal dung to illustrate the meek and unassuming elements of Jesus' birth.


December 08, 2021

An Abortion Loophole Even With a Pro-Life Supreme Court Win? The Shocking New Study Amid the Abortion Pill Battle

As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration prepares to issue a decision on the handling of chemical abortion safeguards, the author of a new study is sounding the alarm over reported dangers posed by the abortion pill. Dr. James Studnicki, vice president of data analytics at the The Charlotte Lozier Institute, said these pills present a potential public health crisis, especially as the FDA weighs whether to continue requiring women to receive these pills in person. Go inside the debate on this episode of "Edifi With Billy Hallowell."


December 02, 2021

Is This the Exact Location Where Jesus Was Born? Inside the Fascinating History Behind Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity

Christians are well-acquainted with biblical accounts of Jesus' birth, but some might not know much about the Church of the Nativity, a site in Bethlehem that has long been venerated as the traditional location of Christ's birth. Mazen Karam, CEO of the Bethlehem Development Fundation, an organization created to help improve conditions in the town of Bethlehem, recently revealed details about his group's ongoing efforts to renovate the church and restore its former splendor. Karam also delivered a helpful history lesson about the longstanding view that the Church of the Nativity is, indeed, the location where Mary and Joseph welcomed Jesus into the world.


November 29, 2021

FLASHBACK: She Was One of the World's Most Famous Porn Stars — Then She Found Jesus

This is one of our favorite episodes so far this year, so we are flashing back to it: Brittni De La Mora was once one of the world's most famous porn stars — then she found Jesus and everything changed. Brittni and her husband Richard – who are now both in ministry — discuss her incredible transformation story, how they met, and what discovering Jesus truly means.


October 12, 2021

What Does the Bible Say About Marijuana? Is It Moral? Inside the Weed Battle

Todd Miles, author of "Cannabis and the Christian: What the Bible Says About Marijuana," forces us to all answer some tough questions about weed and what the Bible really tells us. Is it moral? Is it permissible? Where should Christians stand? Explore these issues and more! Subscribe to "Edifi With Billy Hallowell":


August 16, 2021

'Messy Truth': He Was Raised By 3 Gay Parents and Thought 'I Never Want to Be a Christian.' Then, a Bible Study Changed Everything

Caleb Kaltenbach grew up with three gay parents and he saw hate and anger from many Christians. In fact, he found himself saying, "I never want to be a Christian." Then, he attended a Bible study in an effort to try and disprove scripture — and he was in for a major surprise.  Now Kaltenbach, a former pastor who has a new book out titled, "Messy Truth: How to Foster Community Without Sacrificing Conviction," is on a mission to help find a balance between truth and love and to create "a sense of belonging for all people." Subscribe to "Edifi With Billy Hallowell" on the following platforms: Edifi: Anchor: Breaker: Castbox: Google Podcasts: Apple Podcasts: Overcast: Pocket Casts: PodBean: RadioPublic: Spotify: Stitcher:


August 09, 2021

The 'Full Armor of God,' a Real-Life Possession Story — and the Raging Battle You Might Not Realize You're In

Ephesians 6 is one of those Bible chapters that is so easy to bypass. You read it and think, "Yeah, we're in a battle" and move on. But, like many, you might not realize what that battle really is, why it matters — and how you could be missing what's really unfolding in the realm of good vs. evil. Let's explore these issues, hear a real-life possession story and explore why we must all wake up. Grab copies of Billy's book, "Playing With Fire": And subscribe to this podcast on your favorite platforms:


June 29, 2021

'God Exists or He Does Not. There Is No Third Option': Author Richard Simmons Unveils the Path to Truth & Discovery

Author Richard Simmons is on a mission to help people recognize that "truth is discovered and not invented." In his book, "Reflections on the Existence of God: A Series of Essays," he grapples with the most basic — yet most debated — question in human existence: Does God exist? His answer and the evidence that takes him there will inspire you. Subscribe to Billy Hallowell's "Edifi" podcast today!


June 17, 2021

'Horrific': Baker Jack Phillips Reveals Abuse, Vandalism, Death Threats After He Refused to Make a Cake for a Same-Sex Wedding

Colorado baker Jack Phillips has long been at the center of controversy for declining to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. His battle, which reached the Supreme Court, has attracted everything from support to anger, with the baker fielding death threats, vandalism and harassment along the way. While many have asked, "Why not just bake the cake?" Phillips offer a response worth hearing, no matter where you stand. Subscribe to "Edifi With Billy Hallowell" on your favorite podcast apps:


June 02, 2021

T.D. Jakes on Culture, Chaos and Division and FOX News' Shannon Bream Breaks Down the Women of the Bible

This episode of Edifi is packed with two powerful interviews, as Bishop T.D. Jakes and FOX News host Shannon Bream drop by. Jakes discusses culture, chaos, division and his new book, "Don't Drop the Mic: The Power of Your Words Can Change the World." And Bream explores her career and faith, including her new book, "The Women of the Bible Speak." Explore this powerful episode! ----- FOLLOW BILLY ON TWITTER: FOLLOW BILLY ON FACEBOOK: GRAB BILLY'S LATEST BOOK, "PLAYING WITH FIRE":


April 25, 2021

She Was One of the World's Most Famous Porn Stars — Then She Found Jesus

Brittni De La Mora was once one of the world's most famous porn stars — then she found Jesus and everything changed. Brittni and her husband Richard – who are now both in ministry — discuss her incredible transformation story, how they met, and what discovering Jesus truly means. Listen to this powerful interview, and be sure to also subscribe to hear Brittni and Richard on their weekly "Let's Talk Purity" podcast:


March 07, 2021

He Has Talked to Hundreds of Famous & Influential Atheists — But Here's Why Apologist Justin Brierley Is Still a Steadfast Christian

Justin Brierley is the longtime host of "Unbelievable?", the U.K.-based podcast and radio show that brings together Christians and atheists (and sometimes Christians with differing theological views) to discuss and debate some of the most essential theological and cultural subjects of the day. Brierley has likely heard every argument imaginable from some of the most prominent atheists around the globe, yet he remains a Christian who is resolute in his faith and steadfast in his belief in the Bible. Listen to him explain why he facilitates these fascinating discussions, and why his faith in scripture has persisted after hearing some of atheists' toughest arguments.


February 24, 2021

Apologist Ken Ham Offers a Perfect Rebuttal to Atheists — and Explains Why He Built a Life-Size Noah's Ark

Apologist Ken Ham takes a particular position when it comes to his debates with atheists and secularists — and it surrounds an intentional tone. In this interview, he discusses his new book, "Will They Stand," his mission to spread the gospel, why he believes parents need to train Christian kids, and the reason he decided to build a life-size Noah's ark. This episode is packed with powerful content.


February 16, 2021

'Truth Is Truth': GOP Congresswoman Who Voted For Trump Reveals Why Her Faith Led Her to Vote for Impeachment

Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler, who represents Washington's 3rd congressional district, was one of just 10 Republicans in the U.S. House to vote to impeach former president Donald Trump. She sat down for a candid conversation with Billy Hallowell about faith, truth and the importance of putting Jesus before anything else. In this candid discussion, she explains the events of January 6, how she reacted and why — even though she voted for Trump, she felt compelled to vote for impeachment. This powerful interview offers a rare lens into the life and faith of a member of Congress, shedding light on the difficult decision to place what one believes is right over the will of a political party or even political aspirations. Regardless of whether one agrees with Herrera-Beutler's decision, it's clear that a lot is on the line for her. Still, she is resolute that "truth is truth" and that faith and truth must drive our decisions — not political whims. Want more faith-inspiring podcasts? Head over to The Edifi Podcast Network today!


February 08, 2021

Inside the Horrific and Shocking State of Christian Persecution Around the World

Explore the headlines of the week. From Mr. T's call to faith to Vice President Elect Kamala Harris' Bible plans there's plenty to explore. Plus: David Curry of Open Doors USA breaks down the worst places in the world to be a Christian — and the shocking increase in persecution during the COVID-19 pandemic.


January 19, 2021

Skillet Frontman John Cooper Takes on Post-Modernism, Relativism and Cultural Chaos

You might know Skillet frontman John Cooper for his music, but get ready to see him like you never have before. Cooper is taking on post-modernism, relativism, and culture chaos and is set to release his new book, "Awake & Alive to Truth." He's standing up for truth and breaking out with some fascinating takes on our truly troubled times.


November 23, 2020

The Most Egregious Myths About Abortion: Danielle D'Souza Gill Breaks Down One of America's Most Heated Debates

Danielle D'Souza Gill joins "Edifi With Billy Hallowell" to tackle abortion myths, the argument that men should have no opinion on the matter and her new book, "The Choice: The Abortion Divide in America." During the show, she proclaims, "I hope that from this that we can really create a culture of life in the country … [and] the changing of people's hearts and minds."  Dive into the discussion and check out other transformational shows on the Edifi app.


November 06, 2020

Skillet's John Cooper Talks Violence in Kenosha, Division and the Gospel

Skillet frontman John Cooper shares his experience living just three blocks from the recent chaos in Kenosha, his take on the gospel and the ways he believes America can heal. Plus: the biggest news of the week with The Christian Post. Go to (and download Edifi from your app store) for more powerful Christian podcasts!


September 06, 2020

Pastor John MacArthur Explains Why Won't Back Down Amid Intense Church-State Battle

Pastor John MacArthur appeared on "Edifi" to tell Billy Hallowell why he has no plans of backing down amid his intense church-state battle. "This is not the America that I've known," he said, going on to make the case for why he's defying California's mandates to keep his church's doors open. Plus, he addresses critics who take issue with his views on Romans 13.


August 08, 2020

James 5: A Major Warning — and a Powerful Prayer Proclamation

James 5 is filled with important truths that call us to feel convicted and empowered. James Chapter 5 opens with a rebuke of wealthy people who have essentially stolen wages and mistreated workers. But there are also some inspirational aspects as well surrounding prayer. There's a lot to unpack, so let's dive right in!


February 13, 2020

What Does the Bible Really Mean When It Says 'Love Not the World'?

Jesus tells us to love God and love others, but what does the Bible mean when it tells us to "love not the world?" And what does James 4 (NIV) mean when it tells us, "Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God?" Let's dive deep into these truths.


January 21, 2020

Refusing to Forgive Could Destroy You — Here's Why

Forgiveness is hard — sometimes it's very hard. But what if everything you think you know about forgiveness is wrong? What if your failure or refusal to forgive could actually end up destroying you? Let's dive in.


September 30, 2019

Should We Really 'Fear' God?

Some might look upon the idea of "fearing the Lord" as a bad thing, but most of us — if we're being honest — will admit that we have had healthy fears of our parents and other authority figures throughout our lives. If the Creator of the very air we breath and the bodies we inhabit has specific standards and truths, we would be operating in great error to ignore that wisdom.


September 23, 2019

The 6 Things God Hates: Are You Guilty?

God's standards matter. The Bible repeatedly tells us where the Lord stands on various issues — as well as on the state of the human condition, with Solomon detailing in Proverbs 6 the "six things the Lord hates." These activities and character flaws might sometimes arise in our own lives, so knowing and understanding each of them can be deeply beneficial to each of us, especially as we embark on the ongoing quest to be better and stronger people.


September 20, 2019

Today's Devotion: How Do We Live a Moral Life in a Confused Culture?

In an era characterized by rampant relativism, self-control is slipping away. But no matter what culture says, the Bible calls us to personal restraint, with moral parameters guiding our paths. When we reject God's order and live life for ourselves, we're on spiritual quicksand. Here's why.


September 19, 2019

FACT CHECK: Does the Bible Really Tell Us to 'Follow Our Hearts?'

There's a lot of talk today about "following your heart." The generally spouted mantras are "be true to yourself" and "be who you want to be," but there's an important reality that these feel-good slogans fail to take into account: we must first be who God wants us to be.


September 18, 2019

If Love Is the Antidote, Where Does Truth Fall?

Our view of the world — and creation — impacts our entire existence. It dictates how we interact with people and institutions, and how we respond to moral choices. Unfortunately, it's becoming more and more difficult in our "everything goes" era to discover truth and, in turn, to live that truth out. In the end, though, truth is fixed; it doesn't ebb, it doesn't flow — and it certainly doesn't bend to individual whims. How are you measuring up?


September 17, 2019

Morning Devotion: Where Are You Finding Your Morals?

Where do your morals, values and ethics come from? This is an essential question, because, whether we realize it, each one of us has a defined moral and ethical framework — and many of our ideas come from what we choose to put into our hearts and minds.


September 16, 2019

How Do We Respond When Life Hurts and Nothing Makes Sense?

How should we respond when unimaginable tragedy strikes, when everything around us seems to be imploding — or when life simply doesn't go as planned? These are monumental questions we all face at various points throughout our lives, as we encounter an array of struggles, pain and unexpected happenings. Here's my response.


September 12, 2019

8 Prayers That Will Totally Change Your Life

Prayer is powerful, yet we live in a chaotic world. Kids, family, work, responsibilities and other barriers sometimes cause us to forget the power and importance of prayer. And in an increasingly secular culture, it's easy to simply diminish or ignore what can truly happen if we seek God daily. Here are eight prayers and areas of focus that will change our lives — and the lives of others.


July 17, 2019

Reality TV vs. the Gospel: The 4 Questions We All Must Answer

Culture tells us we're perfect, that we can do anything we want -- and do it with glee. Realty TV rewards the unthinkable. Relativism rages. But the Bible calls us to something very different. Here are the four questions we all must answer.


June 14, 2019

Sometimes, You've Just Gotta Say 'Nope'

The Bible makes it clear that we're supposed to trust in God. But what happens when we drift away, fail to ask and always find ourselves saying "yes?" Things get a bit's the solution.


June 12, 2019

FACT CHECK: You're Not Perfect. You're a Mess. You've Got Weaknesses. (But There's Hope.)

Culture tells us we're essentially perfect. Anything we say or do goes, there's no need for self-reflection, we decide what's right or wrong. Unfortunately, this isn't reality. We are each filled with weaknesses that we must confront — weaknesses that hold us back from people the people God wants us to be. I had a convicting moment this morning, and I'm hopeful it can help us all dive deeper so we can become more like Christ.


June 06, 2019

Kathie Lee Gifford Breaks Down the 'Cure for the Malignancy of the Soul'

Kathie Lee Gifford is known for her incredible career in TV, but you'll get a chance in today's devotional podcast to hear her speak about her Christian faith — and what she calls the "cure for the malignancy of the soul." After today's devotional, be sure to also check out the original, full-length interview between Billy Hallowell and Kathie Lee, which you can find here.


May 31, 2019

'With Humility Comes Wisdom': The Biblical Challenge We All Need to Confront

Are you humble -- or too prideful? Do you struggle with needing others' praise? The Bible tells us that "humility comes with wisdom," but many of us lack in this area. Let's dive deep into what the Bible says about pride — and challenge ourselves to really look into our hearts to see where we're failing and succeeding.


May 31, 2019

Love Your Enemies: What Does That Really Mean?

What does it really mean to love your enemies? In a world of hate, anger and fighting, the gospel has a message of hope that will immediately change your life -- if you choose to live it out.


May 23, 2019

Dear Christian Parents: THIS Is the Most Terrifying Thing in Our Post-Truth World

We are increasingly living in a post-truth world, as morals and values slowly sink deeper and deeper into the abyss. A quick look at the news makes it more than clear: we're headed for an ethical derailment, and most people seem completely oblivious to the erosion of sanity that has taken form. For Christians, a number of worries have emerged, with questions coming along with a great many fears. But in the end, it's truth that most matters, and we are called to embrace God (and reality). But are we answering that call?


May 15, 2019

4 Bible Moments That Undoubtedly Prove God is Pro-Life

God is pro-life. Undoubtedly so. And if that's true, there's a deep responsibility on behalf of us all. Whether you're pro-life, pro-choice or confused about where you stand, this episode will convict you.


May 10, 2019

Here's the Most Compelling Evidence for Jesus and the Bible

Is the Bible real? Did Jesus really die for the sins of humanity? Critics and atheists often demand evidence for these things. It's an endless battle, but here's what I have found to be the most compelling proof for Jesus and the Bible.


April 03, 2019

The Convicting Lessons the Jussie Smollett Saga Teaches Us ALL

The Jussie Smollett saga has captured the headlines, but there are some elements of the case that might be overlooked. And believe it or not — whether you care about celebrity news or disregard it — the story holds some essential and convicting lessons for us all.


March 11, 2019

DEVOTION: Loving Others in an Age of Absolute Chaos

What does it mean to really love others in our age of moral chaos? How do we show that love? What does the Bible really say about our divides? Today's podcast deals with this all -- and plenty more.


February 24, 2019

Love Your Enemies? The Babylon Bee Just Convicted Us All

The Bible calls us to love our enemies, but many of us fail miserably.  This is particularly true when it comes to politics, as some Christians seem to assume that the biblical commandments to treat others well and to watch what comes out of our mouths are somehow supernaturally suspended when it comes to our ideological opponents. Here's why this massive error must be corrected.


January 09, 2019

'Duck Dynasty' Star's Stunning Acts of Kindness Should Inspire Us All

"Duck Dynasty" star Missy Robertson is passionate about helping those in need. From assisting women coming out of trafficking and prison to helping children and families in need, Robertson and her family have devoted much of their time to charity — a topic that the TV star recently discussed in detail during an interview with "The Billy Hallowell Podcast."


January 03, 2019

3 Bible Truths to Help You Survive (and Thrive) in 2019

Looking for a new beginning in 2019? I have a list of 17 Bible verses (and commentary) over at that can help you get there.  But there are three verses in particular that I think are most essential as we dive into the new year. Listen to me break them down.


January 02, 2019

'Duck Dynasty' Star Reveals Hilarious Robertson Holiday Tradition

"Duck Dynasty" star Missy Robertson recently revealed some of her family's Christmas traditions, noting that the most comical annual event is her mother-in-law Miss Kay's gag gift giveaway — something that she said typically has the entire Robertson family rolling on the floor in laughter.


December 14, 2018

3 Verses to Help Us Navigate Loneliness, Chaos and Pain

Too many of us feel alone, trapped and confused. And it's not all that surprising, as the world can be a truly tricky, complex and daunting place. But as the pressures of life weigh us down, we're reminded that there's a source of comfort and calm that is always available to us.


December 12, 2018

The 'Coolness' Epidemic That Threatens Our Witness

There's a "coolness" epidemic that threatens to ravage the Christian church — an insatiable quest among some to be seen as cool, relevant and in-step with the culture. Many times this curious quest comes from a genuine place of love, with Christians making their best effort to mix in well with the world around them. And make no mistake: we are called to love others, even those with whom we disagree. But where's the balance?


December 07, 2018

'You Can't Outrun God': Crowder's Powerful Message of Grace

Crowder is on a mission to share God's love, using his music as a vehicle toward spreading the gospel. The solo performer, who formerly front-manned The David Crowder Band, recently told The Billy Hallowell Podcast that he believes Christians have a unique opportunity right now to make a real impact in the midst of a divided culture.


December 06, 2018

Celebrity Trainer Finds God — and Now He's Helping Transform Lives

Celebrity trainer and fitness enthusiast Alec Penix is on a mission to inspire people to think deeper about physical — and spiritual — changes that can help transform lives. Penix, who trains some well-known names in Hollywood, is a Christian whose faith informs his work, as he helps people reach their hopes, aspirations and personal goals.


December 06, 2018

An Open 'Letter' to Anyone Struggling (or Dreading) This Christmas Season

'Tis the season for…difficult family dynamics. I was pretty intrigued to see how my last podcast and devotional about Christmas chaos so widely resonated. GET UPLIFTED: Sign Up for Billy Hallowell's Newsletter and Read His Book 'Fault Line' My "Christmas survival guide" offered some biblical insights on dealing with tough family members and related problems. So, I want to follow up on that.


November 29, 2018

3 Bible Verses That Will Help You Survive Chaos This Christmas Season

The Christmas season is filled with food, fun — and family. Spending quality time with friends and loved ones is many times the most amazing part of the season. Unfortunately, though, many of us have complicated family dynamics. While the holiday season is a time for peace and joy, difficult dynamics can sometimes cloud our festivities. The question is: how should we react to difficult and challenging family members?


November 27, 2018

The Eternal Truth You Absolutely Need Today

Human nature can lead us to some pretty problematic (and even horrific) things, particularly when people avoid adhering to a concrete moral code. Solomon affirms this reality again and again throughout Proverbs, reminding us in Chapter 28, verse 26 that "those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe." So, who are you trusting in?


November 20, 2018

Are You Following the World's Pattern — or God's?

Today's devotion is short, sweet and down-to-the-point. As we head into the weekend and most of us have a bit more time to think and be introspective, let's reflect on Romans 12:2.


November 16, 2018

The ONLY Guarantee You Truly Have in This Life

We're all heard the timeless slogans — "There are no guarantees in life," "We make plans and God laughs," "Life gives you lemons and you make lemonade" — and the list goes on (and on). The reality is, outside of our own definitive decisions, we have very little control over what happens to us in our lives. From curveballs to unforeseen circumstances, life can get pretty dicey. Here's how to navigate it.


November 15, 2018

The Short and Simple Bible Verse That Could Totally Transform You

The Bible's timeless truths are designed to get us thinking deeper about life, love and spiritual matters. Sometimes, a simple verse can spark a deep thought or stunning realization. This is exactly what happened to me the other day when I was doing a morning devotion with my 6 year old and my 3 year old. It was the text of Psalm 24:1 (NIV) that stopped me in my tracks.


November 12, 2018

Whether Your Side Wins or Loses the Election, DO THIS

Society is tragically losing its ability to win and lose with grace. We've come to assume that a brash tone and a harsh tongue are the best methods for winning arguments. But are we wrong? Whether your side wins or loses Tuesday's election, DO THIS.


November 06, 2018

Believe in Second Chances? Here Are 6 Truths You Absolutely Need Today

There's typically a message embedded deep in each and every mess we find ourselves in. Sometimes, we've created these messes — other times these messes have tragically found us. Regardless of how our problems take form, we're all in need of help and redemption. Here's how we get it.


November 05, 2018

4 Must-Read Bible Verses Before Heading to the Polls

It's impossible to walk away after reading the Book of Proverbs without the word "wisdom" standing out in our hearts and minds. Without a doubt, wisdom — defined as "ability to discern inner qualities and relationships" — is at the very core of all of Solomon's writings. And as we navigate a tattered social structure that has everyone divided and jumping at one another, there are plenty of truths in Proverbs that should sustain and convict us. Here they are.


November 01, 2018

4 Stunning Kathie Lee Gifford Quotes About God and Salvation

"TODAY" host Kathie Lee Gifford is an outspoken Christian who never wastes an opportunity to talk about her relationship with God. GET UPLIFTED: Sign Up for Billy Hallowell's Newsletter During a recent interview on "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" she delivered some powerful biblical lessons worth revisiting. Listen to my devotional about these stunning proclamations.


October 31, 2018

The 11 Powerful Bible Verses That Should Stop Us ALL in Our Tracks

It's understandable why some people feel letdown, worried and fearful amid a chaotic culture. With the news cycle and the politics of the day highlighting and perpetuating dysfunction, there's a statistic that emerged this week that should actually give us all hope: 90 percent of Americans believe politicians "should display peace, kindness, gentleness and self-control." Here's why this matters.


October 30, 2018

God vs. Culture: Why Your Views on 'Success' Might Be a TOTAL Disaster

The world tells us to chase riches, money, fame and "success." Celebrity homes, cars and hobbies are often center stage in the entertainment press, sparking a strange sense of jealousy among the masses. Meanwhile, social media is focused on selfies and the quest to bring attention to ourselves. Here's why this is breeding a total mess for us all.


October 28, 2018

Hear Kathie Lee Gifford's Powerful Explanation of the Gospel

Veteran TV host Kathie Lee Gifford is an entertainer who has found widespread success over the decades, but it's her deep Christian faith that most defines her. Gifford has made headlines in recent years for openly sharing the gospel in overtly secular spaces. Listen to her break down the gospel, her faith — and the reason why she never hesitates to discuss salvation.


October 24, 2018

5 Biblical Lessons You Need to Survive This (and Every) Day

Proverbs is filled with so many important lessons. Each chapter is bursting with a plethora of essential subject matter — simple and timeless truths by which we can live. Here are just five truths from Proverbs 22 that can help us build our faith, while navigating the complexities of life. Read the devotion as well:


October 24, 2018

The 3,000-Year-Old Lesson About 'Winning' That We All Need Right Now

There's a lot of talk these days about "winning," but very little discussion or explanation about what true victory really looks like. There's certainly nothing wrong with setting goals and trying to persevere to reach them, but there is something off-kilter when our goals and aspirations are sought without God's guidance. In the end, our motivation — and inspiration — matter.


October 23, 2018

Candace Cameron Bure's Amazing Prayer Proclamation That We ALL Need

God gives us the free will to decide for ourselves how we want to live, what we want to say and how we choose to interact with the people and things around us. But free will often comes at a cost. Along with the ability to live and behave as we choose, God has also fortunately given us a blueprint to discern His plan for our lives. This roadmap is the Bible — a timeless book that explains the ins and outs of how human beings are meant to live.


October 19, 2018

TobyMac on Life, Faith, God and the Divisions That Plague Us

With more than three decades in music under his belt, TobyMac — whose real name is Toby McKeehan — is still going strong. The popular singer-songwriter is out with a new album called "The Elements" and he recently opened up about his life, career and passion for community during an interview with "The Billy Hallowell Podcast."


October 18, 2018

Why 'Desire' Can Lead to Total Chaos (and Worse)

Each of us is filled with "desire." This is a natural human reaction to the world around us; it fuels our goals, aspirations and wants. But the Bible makes it pretty clear that unrestrained desire — desire not based on Christ — is fruitless. Here's how we fix it.


October 18, 2018

The Most Compelling Evidence for Christianity?

Should our pasts define us? Culture has a failed understanding of redemption. Here's a reality check for us all -- and perhaps the most compelling argument for Christianity.


October 02, 2018

'My Words Are Love': The Message You Absolutely Need to Hear Today

What would you say if your days (and words) were numbered? How would you look at the world differently? I received an email this week that left me convicted, saddened — and yet amazingly inspired. It's a message I think everyone needs today.


September 21, 2018

Ben Shapiro Takes on Cultural Crisis, Truth — and More

Ben Shapiro has made a name for himself in conservative circles, appearing daily on radio, TV and at events around the nation. His off-the-cuff and rapid retorts have solidified him as a favorite commentator among politicos — but what's Shapiro's backstory? He recently sat down with "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" to talk about free speech, culture and the roots of his career.


September 19, 2018

'Great Moral Evil': Why Ben Shapiro Battles Abortion

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro shows no fear when he tackles some of the most controversial issues of the day. Abortion is just one of the topics he frequently addresses with passionate fervor; it's an issue that he firmly believes is "the great moral issue of our time" and one for which history will ultimately judge our society. Listen to him explain why he cares.


September 18, 2018

The One Thing Too Many of Us Are Forgetting About Jesus

Many people walk around talking about Jesus as though he was some kind of hippie who only preached peace and love. While it's true that he certainly preached peace and love, Jesus did much more than that. Here's the thing too many people have been missing about Christ. Are you guilty?


September 14, 2018

Inside the Brilliance of Chris Pratt's 'God' Talk

Actor Chris Pratt has wowed crowds with his acting skills, but he's also been going viral of late over his open proclamations about God and faith. Here's a look at his character and faith through the eyes of his brother, Cully Pratt.


September 07, 2018

Meet Actor Meet Chris Pratt's Brother — Army Vet, Cop & Incredible Artist

A talent for the arts clearly runs deep in the Pratt family's DNA. Cully Pratt, Hollywood megastar Chris Pratt's older brother, recently revealed some fascinating details about the family's creative genes — and some incredible facts about his own personal journey and his brother's rise to fame.


August 17, 2018

The Incredible Transformation Story Only God Could Write

Embracing Jesus changes hearts — and lives. That's the lesson that author Ericka Andersen learned after she met her now-husband, Rick, began to discover his backstory and watched as God moved in his life. After growing up in an intensely abusive household and later suffering from the results of that treatment, Rick found Jesus — and his life was never the same.


August 08, 2018

Should We Do Away With the Christian Music Genre?

Music and film producer Mark Joseph knows a thing or two about the entertainment world, having worked for decades in both the Christian and secular arenas. In his new book, "Rock Gets Religion: The Battle for the Soul of the Devil's Music," Joseph makes the case for Christians to "make their music in the middle of popular culture." Joseph recently told "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" that he believes it's important for Christian artists to speak to the broader culture by having a presence in the mainstream.


July 06, 2018

Here's Why This Pastor Wants You to 'Quit Church'

Pastor Chris Sonksen is on a mission to encourage Christians to "quit church" — but his quest isn't quite what you'd think. Sonksen, author of the new book, "Quit Church: Because Your Life Would Be Better If You Did," recently told "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" that he's concerned over the "common threads of weakening spiritual behaviors in people's lives." The preacher, who is committed to offering solutions, doesn't want people to literally quit worshipping at church as much as he wants believers to rethink their approach to living their faith out.


June 20, 2018

Evangelist Christine Caine Unveils Powerful Message About Fear — and Truth

Evangelist Christine Caine believes it's essential for Christians who are fearful or struggling in an increasingly secular culture to remember an important reality that sometimes gets lost in the social chaos: it's essential to find a balance between truth and love. Caine, author of the new book, "Unexpected: Leave Fear Behind, Move Forward in Faith, Embrace the Adventure," recently told "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" that Americans today might find increased secularization troubling, but that her own experience growing up in Australia previously prepared her for such a dynamic. She said she learned early on what it meant to exist as a Christian in a culture that didn't embrace faith values. In America, some people are now waking up to that same reality, especially as culture rapidly shifts.


June 15, 2018

Skillet Star Reveals Radical Transformation Into the Christian Faith

Jen Ledger has spent the past decade playing the drums for Christian rock band Skillet, but the performer recently ventured out on her own to release her first solo EP titled, "LEDGER." Now, she's on a mission to make a difference and to serve as a positive role model in an entertainment world in which it seems too many kids are being influenced by negativity.


May 25, 2018

"American Idol" Star Reveals Details of His Life-Threatening Battle

"American Idol" alum Scott MacIntyre has faced his fair share of trials and tribulations. Born blind, MacIntyre later experienced kidney failure, pain, and uncertainty as he awaited two transplants — difficult and draining experiences that led him and his wife, Christina, to rely on their faith in God as they faced the unknown. Listen to him reveal all the details.


May 11, 2018

The Real-Life Miracle That Absolutely Stunned Lee Strobel

Author and evangelist Lee Strobel was an atheist who once served as the legal affairs editor for The Chicago Tribune before embarking on a quest to try and disprove Christianity — an effort that ironically led him to embrace the faith. Now, Strobel, whose personal story was told through the feature film and book titled "The Case for Christ," is preparing to release "The Case for Miracles," a new investigative book that relies on facts, interviews and studies to further explore spiritual matters.


April 20, 2018

Inside the Battle to Balance 'Truth and Love' in an Age of Fear

Amid an increasingly secular culture, many Christians are finding themselves in a precarious place. American culture, which was once dominated by biblical themes and understanding, has increasingly become more hostile — or, at the least, apathetic, toward Christian values. As a result, Christians find themselves unsure of how to adapt to these changing tides. Pastor Michael Anthony of Grace Fellowship in York, Pennsylvania, argues that it's time for believers to stand up, regroup and "rediscover the divine equation of speaking the truth in love."


April 03, 2018

Limbless Evangelist Nick Vujicic Speaks Out on Life, Ministry and Plenty More

Nick Vujicic was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a disorder that caused him to be born without any limbs. But despite some major challenges, Vujicic and his Life Without Limbs ministry have ministered to millions of people across 68 countries — a feat he credits to God. The inspirational Christian speaker, who is out with a new book titled, "Be the Hands and Feet," shared his personal story of overcoming depression to become a well-known force for the gospel. And in an appearance on "The Billy Hallowell Podcast," he discussed faith, life, overcoming the odds — and his recent claim about an experience with spiritual forces that led to quite a bit of online discussion and debate.


March 12, 2018

Go Behind the Scenes of Epic Christian Satire Site The Babylon Bee

The Babylon Bee continues to make a splash with its comical take on Christian culture, but unlike other satire sites, the Bee has a deeper purpose than simply making its readers laugh: the site aims to make Christians think as well. "What we want to make clear ... we're not making fun of Christianity, per se, and we're not making fun of Jesus or the Bible or the gospel," head writer Kyle Mann recently said on the "The Billy Hallowell Podcast." "What we're making fun of is the Christian culture that kind of builds up around those things and around the gospel and around the biblical message." Go behind the scenes of the Babylon Bee.


March 09, 2018

Ex-ESPN Producer Chooses Forgiveness After Alcoholism Wreaks Havoc

Forgiveness can be hard, especially when a loved one has wronged us. But regardless of what happens, Christians are commanded to offer grace to those who have hurt matter what. Of course, this is often easier said than done, as evidence from stories shared by people like Jason Romano. Romano's parents divorced when he was just 6 years old, though he said his dad was "always around" and he saw him on the weekends. Eventually, his dad developed a problem with alcoholism — and, over the years, Romano, a former ESPN producer, said that it sparked family problems and chaos. Here's how he overcame that all.


January 15, 2018

Candace Cameron Bure on Prayer, Faith and Balancing the Chaos

Actress Candace Cameron Bure believes in the power of prayer. The "Fuller House" star recently stopped buy the Faithwire newsroom in New York City to discuss faith, her new book and plenty more, spending a fair amount of time addressing the importance that prayer holds in her own life.


November 21, 2017

Fox News' Ainsley Earhardt Speaks Out on Faith, Family and Her New Book

"Fox & Friends" host Ainsley Earhardt talked motherhood, her new kids' book "Through Your Eyes" and her thoughts on the miscarriage she had before conceiving her daughter, Hayden in a recent appearance on "The Billy Hallowell Podcast." Earhardt, 41, discussed how raising her daughter has been a gift and dove deep into her experience with having a miscarriage. "We had a hard time conceiving ... we tried for not quite a year and then we got pregnant and we heard the heartbeat," she said. "We went for the appointment, we went for the next appointment and we didn't hear the heartbeat. We had a miscarriage."


October 27, 2017

Pastor Mike Sherrard Issues Must-Hear Millennial Warning

A Millennial expert is warning that society is "on the verge of having a generation that has completely lost the knowledge of God." Mike Sherrard, director of RC College Prep, a high school ministry of Ratio Christi, a campus apologetics group, recently appeared on "The Billy Hallowell Podcast," where he detailed this concern and said he doesn't believe it's all that dramatic of a statement.


October 23, 2017

Ep. 6: Actress Roma Downey's Must-Hear Message on Division: 'I Don't Understand Who We've Become'

Actress Roma Downey is on a mission to turn the tables on America's divisiveness, launching a new platform aimed at inspiring the masses with hopeful content that offers an encouraging lens into the good things happening around the world. Downey, who recently launched Lightworkers alongside her husband, famed TV producer Mark Burnett, appeared on "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" to describe her passion for the project as well as her shock at the current state of civility in America.


October 13, 2017

Let's Be Better: My Message to Chelsea Handler

Comedian Chelsea Handler's Twitter feed is filled with daily insults, slams and rebuttals to much of what comes from President Donald Trump's mouth as well as his Twitter account. And that's fine; she's entitled to her First Amendment rights. But there's one recent tweet in particular that I find profoundly disturbing. A Sept. 21, 2017, message from Handler about Trump and North Korea reads, "Uhhhh. Kim Jung's letter to @realDonaldTrump is a little bit more sane than @realDonaldTrump. Maybe we trade?" I get it; Handler is a comedian, but there are a number of reasons why there's really nothing funny about her tweet.


September 28, 2017


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