How High Should the Balister Be on a Blue Bird House

Bluebird House - Information on Buying, Building

What Makes A Bluebird House A Bluebird House?

What makes it a house for Bluebirds is the dimensions that the nestbox is built to that makes it specific for Bluebirds.

The entrance hole, the floor size and depth to the bottom of the house determine whether a specific type of bird will use the house or not.

That's not to say another species won't use the house, they absolutely will. Since there are species that have less specific needs, a Bluebird house will meet their needs.

A few of the species include: Chickadees, House Wrens, Tree Swallows and of course, House Sparrows.

Whether you're buying or building a Blue Bird House, you'll find the information you you need right here. Information including hole size, floor and height dimensions and best materials to use or look for in a bluebird house.

Bluebirds are cavity nesting birds and will readily make use of man-made nest boxes, provided they are constructed properly.

Most birds prefer a natural looking nesting box. Whether you plan on buying or building, make sure that the wood that is used in constucting the house is a naturally decay resistant wood such as cedar, redwood, or exterior plywood.

When Should I Put Up a Bluebird House?

You should place your houses before Bluebirds come to your area. The month of March is the lastest for much of their range.

If you're really ahead of the game, late fall or winter is a good time to put up houses so the birds can find them during winter to roost in or in early Spring where they can check them out for nesting sites.

Where to Hang How High Bluebird House

Mount your birdhouse on a pole and make sure your bluebird house is 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 feet high off the ground.

Place the pole in an open area without overhanging tree branches. A small tree 12 or more feet away offers a predator lookout for the Bluebird.

Use a baffle on the pole to keep raccoons from climbing the pole and a entrance predator guard to keep animals from reaching in and pulling the young out.

Never place the nestbox on the trunk of a tree as this allows predators the best opportunity for a meal. Opossums and Raccoons are natural tree climbers and love birds and their eggs.

Which Way Should Bluebird House Face

The preferred way to place the birdhouse according is first, towards the most open area with the opening facing East, then North, South, and lastly, West.

What to Look For if Buying a Bluebird House

Avoid purchasing any nesting box that is painted. Cedar is probably the most affordable weather resistand wood.

Bluebirds prefer a house that has and entry hole of 1 1/2 inches for eastern and western species and 1 9/16 inches wherever mountain bluebirds may be.

The floor should be between 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 inches square and the floor should be 5 to 8 inches below the entry hole.

Do not add or buy any birdhouse with a perch. The birds don't need it, whereas house sparrows, starlings and other Bluebird preadators will have easy access if perches are used.

No Time To Build Your Own Bluebird House. Check This One Out!
bluebird house

The roof should be slightly slanted to shed water and keep the contents of the nest dry.

Each side should provide for ventilation. Drill 1/4 inch holes on the sides of the house just under the roof.

Also make sure there is adaquate drainage in the bottom of the nesting box by drilling 1/4 inch holes in each corner of the bottom of the blue bird house.

The side or front should swing open for monitoring and easy cleaning. Of course, Woodlink makes it easy for you to follow these guidelines by providing their our own quality Going Green Bluebird House built to last a lifetime.

Whether you chose to buy or build one, we encourage you to begin attracting these birds to your backyard. Bluebirds can use our help and you'll get a lot of enjoyment from them.

Building Your Own

Placing and Maintaining Nest Boxes


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